Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Stand up against "Guilt Upon Accusation"

I'd quite like to live in New Zealand. I'm lucky enough to have been there twice and I really liked the relaxed attitude and the fact I could indulge in various outdoor activities on such a grand scale (skiing and scuba diving are the main examples that would be a lot more fun in NZ).

However I've recently started hearing about a proposed change to their laws which would disconnect internet access from anybody accused of copyright infringement, without trial or court scrutinised evidence.

Now I'm not condoning copyright infringement but I do like to stand up for rights, especially if it goes against a fundamental belief like "Innocent until proven guilty".

If you're thinking that this doesn't affect you since you don't live in New Zealand then consider that this becomes law there then our governments might be tempted to follow suit.

The organisers of the protest are urging people to blackout their avatars on popular social networking sites - details are at the Creative Freedom protest site. If you're blogging, tweeting, facebooking etc then follow the instructions on how to show your support. There's some high profile people like Stephen Fry already taking part.


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